Wanting to shift your health but not sure where to begin?

Burnt out on trying to figure out what to do on your own and are ready for some guidance and a blueprint laid out for you?

Tired of dealing with nagging symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, acne, eczema, anxiety, bloating stomach pain, constipation, food sensitivities and painful periods?!

Interested in truly understanding your body, how it works, and how to support it?

Ready to improve your sleep and energy levels?

Interested in getting rid of parasites and pathogens that are bogging your body down and draining your health?

Wanting to learn natural and sustainable methods to support your body's detoxification and healing processes?

Open to diving more into how emotional, mental and energetic well-being play a significant role in physical health?!

Are you...

I've created this program for YOU, girlfriend.

Over the past few years, I've had the privilege of working with countless amazing women, helping them really get to the root cause of what's been keeping their bodies from healing and genuinely optimizing their health.
Through the course of working with them, although everyone experiencing a vast array of symptoms and being at different places in their lives, I've found we always need to begin in the same spot before diving deeper- the FOUNDATIONS. 
These are things that we should all learn, for ourselves and for our families, but schools aren't teaching them and western medical providers definitely aren't educating on them.
I was seeing a need for a way to compile all of the information, and there was no way I could possibly have enough time in 1:1 sessions to touch on everything with this abundance and depth.

I really wanted to be able to get this material out there and serve more women at once, so enter:

This program is truly everything I wish I had when I decided to take my wellness into my own hands and learn how to change the trajectory of my health.

I've taken my years of personal and professional experience, knowledge, tips, processes and poured my heart and soul into this!

So whether you’ve been on a health journey for years now or are just dipping your toes into more natural health, this program is laid out to cover all the things you need to know to create long-term health.

Now let's back it up a step as to what the even deeper reasons are that ultimately lead me to this work in the first place and then to creating this program. 

My health came crumbling down in my mid twenties. I didn't know what to do or where to turn, all I knew is that I didn't want to feel like garbage every day, my doctors were of no help, and it was time to figure things out on my own because I couldn't keep going like that any longer.

Every day I was experiencing different random symptoms, extreme anxiety to the point where I stayed in bed most of the day, I had such extreme brain fog, I couldn't hardly think or process information, and I was always tired. Every day I would have would have insane stomach pains and bloating. I can recall countless times of laying on my floor or being curled up in my bed just bawling because of the waves of pain. My periods were so painful that the first day I wouldn't be able to go to class or work, my face was constantly breaking out, and my skin was so dull and lifeless. I would sweat so much while I slept I had to change clothes multiple times during the night and rotate to different areas of my bed. I was experiencing headaches almost daily, my muscles were constantly achey and my back and neck were always "out".

After essentially begging my doctors for answers and further testing, some of my diagnoses were PCOS, EBV, IBS and anxiety disorder, but I was left with literally no help other than being told I needed a laundry list of medications with a longer list of side effects which I was not down for.

I had been on anxiety medication and birth control to "help" with my acne and painful periods since I was 16. Neither of them were doing what I wanted them to, and I was ready to be off of it all.

I began diving into how to treat anxiety naturally, and that's when it all began for me. I unknowingly stepped foot into the world of holistic health, and there was no turning back. 

After I finished college, I knew I needed to shift into the holistic health space. I had gone for Exercise Science because I was so interested in why and how exercising decreased my anxiety and knew there was so much more to learn. My first move was a Holistic Nutritionist Certification, then a Holistic Health Coaching Certification, then I began understanding the world as we know it from an energetic perspective. I began diving deeper into studying Root Cause health, bioenergetics and what true holistic health really is. This is when I brought in forms of energy healing, homeopathy, parasite cleansing and working with BioResonance testing. Moving forward in that direction, I was trained in muscle testing and also began studying emotional wellness.

Through studying Root Cause health and utilizing BioResonance and Muscle Testing, I'd find that my some of my deeper issues were things like Lyme Disease, co-infections, dental cavitations, mold illness, heavy metals, parasites, bacterial overgrowth, blood sugar dysregulation, radiation exposure, a build-up of unprocessed emotions, trauma from my days of riding and racing snowmobiles and more. I was able to take all of the tools and knowledge and slowly start to heal my body.

Fast forward to today, I get to incorporate all of these things into my practice. When I brought everything together, I began to see the most beautiful, unbelievable shifts with my clients on all levels, and now I want to make it all more accessible.

Foundations For Health is more than just a program.

It's an opportunity to transform your health and feel your best every day.

Drainage and Detoxification
Nurturing Your Nervous System
Quality Sleep + Circadian Rhythm
Building Balanced Meals
Hydration + Clean Water
Balancing Your Blood Sugar
Navigating Parasites and Gut Health
Emotional and Energetic Health
Movement and Exercise for Longevity

We're covering all the things you need to know about

Modules including videos, printable guides, trackers and additional resources that you can go through on your own time with new lessons released each week

Professional guidance through a proven supplemental protocol to help support the body from a cellular level, begin to get rid of parasites, reset the gut and support the immune system

The option to personalize your protocol to fit your individual needs

Live Q&A calls. These will be recorded if you can't make it. 

An online community and group chat with other motivated women on the same path to optimal wellness

What's waiting inside

© 2024 Naturally Rach, LLC