I’m here to empower and help women heal their bodies and create their best life-  

I’m here to empower and assist women in healing their bodies and creating their best life- 


Reiki Master

Holistic Health & Wellness Coach

Holistic Nutritionist

Exercise Specialist

Bioenergetic Practitioner

Education, training and certifications:

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner - American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Mind Body Spirit Release
Professional Level Practitioner

Cellcore Muscle Testing Levels 1+2

Explore, understand and implement natural and alternative options.
We'll work together to create a plan of action that’s realistic and empowering.

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

We were always going to defy the laws of nature- always an exception. We didn't think twice about the dangers of too many beers or late night pizzas. Laying in a tanning bed for hours. Dousing our bodies in fragranced lotions and perfumes. Guzzling energy drinks and grabbing fast food after class. Sleeping with our cell phones under our pillows. We both know this list could go on for days.

Our late teens and early 20's were for living. it. up.

And doing what whatever we damn well pleased.

Because we knew it all and didn't have to worry about

But what we didn't know was... there was a catch.

All of these unhealthy habits and mindsets would lead to other things. 

And now, here we are. Choices and behaviors have compounded. Symptoms and consequences surfacing.

But that shit that we thought we'd never have to worry about? Well..
It got *HELLA* real, didn't it.

I fell in love with quantum physics, energy healing, using herbs and plant medicine and the power of mindset. 

For over a decade, I've been studying and applying the power of food as medicine. Learning how it functions at a cellular level has forever changed my relationship with it, now taking the time to cook and create with it, mindfully consume and respect its innate intelligence.

Later, finding meditation led me to discover so much more about myself. It taught me to acknowledge and trust my intuition. I began craving more time outdoors to further connect with nature. I discovered the power of gratitude, manifestation, mindset and what being in alignment is all about.

Since then, I've been able to find and connect with my higher self and have been enjoying the process of slowly peeling back the layers of who I am as a human, how I got to be here and why I am this way.

Personally, side effects had manifested as anxiety, gut dysbiosis, unbalanced hormones and unregulated cycles, chronic acne, chronic fatigue, loss of self and low self-worth.. just to scratch the surface.

What younger me didn't know *gasp* was that my lifestyle was causing severe anxiety. Through my early college days and half of my 20’s, I didn’t take care of my body or my mind- or even know how to.

I liked to party, drank too much, ate whatever I wanted, held relationships that didn't serve me, used terrible self-talk and straight wasn’t in alignment.
I didn't know.

My anxiety got so bad some days I wouldn’t get out of bed. It was easier to just go back to sleep to escape it. It left me unable to function some days. I distanced myself from family and friends. I was feeling lost with no direction, slowly and unintentionally disintegrating my health through my daily decisions and thought patterns. I didn't take the time to care for myself properly, but also didn't know what I needed or where I could even start making changes that would make a difference.

In high school, I'd discovered that exercise was capable of  uplifting my mental state and just made me feel good. I became interested in learning the mechanisms behind how else it was affecting my body and mind. A degree in Exercise Science brought me into a whole new realm and set a lot on the table for me.

I became fascinated with learning everything about the body- the physiology, biochemistry and the energetics. This brought on a broadened awareness and more curiosities of how our bodies and world operate.

And that's when I began being called to alternative and integrative approaches to healing. I knew there was more to it.

of this lifetime is apparent:
To help other women build their best lives by creating an abundant and healthy lifestyle. To help them get closer to nature, lean in to their intuition and unlock a world of vibrant health and endless possibility. 

my soul's purpose

When we were younger, we were
I N V I N C I B L E .

Anything unhealthy was never 
actually going to harm us or be a problem.

to our younger selves for a do-over, there is always today and tomorrow to live the best possible life for our greatest and highest good. It’s not about the past, it’s about how we can fully embody the present moment and consciously shape our future to be the caliber of which we deserve.

Even if we can't go back

© 2025 Naturally Rach, LLC